Our Story

Southeastern Academy Online Learning Platform can make your learning and teaching more effective with active participation and student collaboration. Join our community now!

Message from the Founder

Dear visitors,


Welcome and thank you for considering becoming one of our valuable members! My name is Soda Pich. I am an entrepreneur, an educator, a business trainer, and a university professor. 


Southeastern Academy is an online learning platform. It arose from the needs of my students who desired to upgrade their personal and professional skills but because of financial limitations, family responsibilities, geographic location, time constraints, etc., could not attend a regular classroom-type of school.


Our history is filled with the names of many famous people who, for one reason or another, became leaders after having been self-taught in various subjects. Some people never even seen the inside of a traditional-type school. One thing I have learned from them is that they had in common a burning desire to learn at their own pace, anywhere, anytime they prefer. 

The information you will find on this online learning platform will give you a sense of all Southeastern Academy Online has to offer its learners. Through a combination of online coursework, podcasr, audio, and video recorded lessons, and coursebook study, the school provides opportunities to those interested in an online learning environment.

We, at Southeastern Academy commend you in your pursuit of higher knowledge and skills. Abraham Lincoln once wrote to a young student interested in studying law, telling him:

“Get the books, and read and study them till you understand them in their principal features; and that is the main thing … Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.”

Southeastern Academy will help you succeed. I now invite you to discover some of the many aspects of what makes the online learning community of Southeastern Academy an extraordinary place to learn at your own pace, anywhere, anytime you wish.

Truly yours,

Prof. Soda Pich

Things We Are Proud Of ...

In just a few minutes from now you can start building a new life.

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Quality Products & Courses

Start by purchasing a course you most interested in and upgrade your knowledge and skills at your own pace, anywhere, anytime you wish.

Quick Responding Support

Our support team will promptly respond to any inquiry or questions you may have. We treat all our members as our most valuable assets.

Affordable Price on all Products

Anyone can have access to our FREE course library and start learning at their own pace. We also have affordable subscription plans.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

If, for any reason, you're not satisfied with our products and services, we will be happy to refund the full amount in 30 days.

Our Team

Devon Lane


Courtney Henry

Assistant Professor

Jane Cooper

Assistant Professor

Esther Howard

Visual Artist